Galerie Barbara Thumm
Upcoming exhibition ⧵ Theo Eshetu – Veiled Woman on a Beachfront \ Opening: Wednesday, 6 November 2024, 6 – 9 pm \

\ElylaYa-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM07.09. - 02.11.2024

Elyla, *1989 in Chontales, Nicaragua

They currently live and work in Masaya, Nicaragua

Press text (ENG/DE)

A night at a gallera, somewhere on the outskirts of a dusty, provincial town. The crowd gathers around the cockpit, voices raised, sweaty faces flickering in the electric light, waiting for the fight to begin. It is a predominantly male, overtly masculine, scene, with each contender, and the viewers, assuming their pre-established parts. The men attend to their cocks, preparing them carefully, gingerly even, only to suddenly release them into the ring. The cocks jump at each other, male on male, with jolting, violent movements that nevertheless resemble a dance. It all lasts but an instant, the crowd cheering the victor on.

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Exhibition Views

Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM

Selected Works

Performances & Videos
Sculptures and Installations
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM \ Cockfight (Fiesta de Gallosgallinas) (2024)


Cockfight (Fiesta de Gallosgallinas) (2024)
ceramic, feathers, wooden panel, metal bars, clay, natural pigment paint
Plinth size: 200 cm diameter
Height: 220cm
Metal bars: 85-175cm
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM \ From the series ‚Prayer for Tending Death‘ (2024)


From the series ‚Prayer for Tending Death' (2024)
Fine art inkjet print on Hahnemühle photo rag paper
86x49,9cm / 100x70cm
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM \ From the series ‚Prayer for Tending Death‘ (2024)


From the series ‚Prayer for Tending Death' (2024)
Fine art inkjet print on Hahnemühle photo rag paper
86x52,1 cm / 100x70 cm
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM \ From the series ‚Prayer for Tending Death‘ (2024)


From the series ‚Prayer for Tending Death' (2024)
Fine art inkjet print on Hahnemühle photo rag paper
78,2 x 130 cm / 105 x 140 cm
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM \ From the series ‚Prayer for Tending Death‘ (2024)


From the series ‚Prayer for Tending Death' (2024)
Fine art inkjet print on Hahnemühle photo rag paper
51 x 86 cm / 70 x 100 cm
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM \ From the series ‚Prayer for Tending Death‘ (2024)


From the series ‚Prayer for Tending Death' (2024)
Fine art inkjet print on Hahnemühle photo rag paper
51x86 cm / 70x100cm
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM \ From the series ‚Prayer for Tending Death‘ (2024)


From the series ‚Prayer for Tending Death' (2024)
Fine art inkjet print on Hahnemühle photo rag paper
51 x 86 cm / 70 x 100 cm
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM \ Mirroring Lengger Gallogallina (Espejo Lengger Gallogallina) (2024)


Mirroring Lengger Gallogallina (Espejo Lengger Gallogallina) (2024)
A trans-oceanic decolonial ritual for ancestral corpo-divinities
Video, sound, performance
5:13 min
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Elyla – Ya-bunanma-m-a-ta-ta: WHAT I SEE WHEN I DREAM \ Prayer for Tending Death (Una Oración para Acompañar la Muerte) (2024)


Prayer for Tending Death (Una Oración para Acompañar la Muerte) (2024)
Video, sound, performance
11:47 min
Galerie Barbara Thumm

\Martin DammannIrrlichter07.09. - 02.11.2024

Martin Dammann, *1965 in Friedrichshafen/Bodensee,
lives and works in Berlin

Press text (DE/ENG)

Martin Dammann’s artistic practice oscillates between photography, video, drawing, and watercolors. The artist draws inspiration from his collection of private photographs and his own recordings. From these, he creates large-format watercolors that capture certain elements of the images while challenging classic techniques, rules, and clichés associated with the medium of watercolor.

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Exhibition Views

Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Martin Dammann – Irrlichter
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Martin Dammann – Irrlichter
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Martin Dammann – Irrlichter

Selected Works

Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Martin Dammann – Irrlichter \ 2. Irrlicht (2021)

Martin Dammann

2. Irrlicht (2021)
Watercolor, pencil on paper
155 x 195 cm | 61 x 76 3/4 in
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Martin Dammann – Irrlichter \ 1.Irrlicht (2021)

Martin Dammann

1.Irrlicht (2021)
Watercolor, pencil on paper
170.3 x 115.3 cm | 67 x 45 3/8 in
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Martin Dammann – Irrlichter \ 5. Irrlicht (2021)

Martin Dammann

5. Irrlicht (2021)
Watercolor, pencil on paper
114,5 x 114,5 cm | 45 1/8 x 45 1/8 in
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Martin Dammann – Irrlichter \ 4. Irrlicht (2021)

Martin Dammann

4. Irrlicht (2021)
Watercolor, pencil on paper
155,3 x 195,3 cm | 61 1/8 x 76 7/8 in
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Martin Dammann – Irrlichter \ 3. Irrlicht (2021)

Martin Dammann

3. Irrlicht (2021)
Watercolor, pencil on paper
160,5 x 230,5 cm | 63 1/4 x 90 3/4 in