\Anna Oppermann
Teresa BurgaSeeing complexity.02.06. - 04.08.2012
Anna Oppermann, *1941 in Eutin, Germany, †1993 in Celle, Germany
lived and worked in Hamburg, Germany
Teresa Burga, *1935 in Iquitos, Peru, †2021 in Iquitos, Peru,
lived and worked Iquitos, Peru
Photo © Nici Wegener
Text: Ute Vorkoeper
During a visit to Paris on a scholarship in 1981, Anna Oppermann read Agnes Heller’s book “A Theory of Feelings”, which had just been published in German.
This book must have confirmed her own experiences, thoughts and artistic endeavours on many different levels. The Hungarian philosopher, living in exile in New York, had finally rejected the opposition between thought and feeling that influenced Western thought to such a degree that its effects could still be seen in the many attempts to discard it from the 1960s onwards. By contrast, Heller saw thought as a natural part of feeling and the complex human world of emotions as constituted by constant reflection. Conversely, she emphasised the influence of emotions on the construction of human systems of perception, value and orientation, and also identified “orientation feelings” based on collective social experience.
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