Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Anna Oppermann – Straying from the Line

Anna OppermannStraying from the Line
Group exhibition
13.04. - 28.07.2019
Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin

Anna Oppermann, *1940 in Eutin,
lived in Hamburg and Celle, Germany

Photo © Andrea Rossetti

Text: Jenny Nachtigall

Straying from the Line is dedicated to a fundamentally expanded perspective on the multiplicity of feminist tendencies in the art of the last 100 years.

Instead of presenting a straight narrative of feminist art as a generation- and/or identity-specific style, the exhibition charts a network of multiple references, drawing connections between aesthetically and politically, geographically and historically heterogeneous perspectives. Different narratives and movements thus give shape to feminist tendencies that are not unified by any style or label. Their connection resides rather in a shared attitude towards art as a field of antagonistic relationships and hierarchical structures that traverse society as a whole.

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Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Anna Oppermann – Straying from the Line