Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Anne-Mie Kerckhoven – Oh, the Sick Lady / Ah, the Sick Lady

\Anne-Mie KerckhovenOh, the Sick Lady / Ah, the Sick Lady17.03. - 21.04.2007

Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven, *1951 in Antwerp, Belgium
lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium

Photo © Jens Ziehe

Text: Astrid Mania

We are pleased to present new work by Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven in her third solo show at Galerie Barbara Thumm. It coincides with her exhibition “Über das ICH”, which is being shown at the daadgalerie as part of the DAAD’s Berlin Artist-in-Residence programme (17.03.–28.04.2007).

Working across historical boundaries and artistic disciplines, Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven explores different ways of describing the world, which she locates between the antitheses of eros and ratio. In terms of content, this is linked on the one hand to concepts of the sexualized female body, and on the other to a technoid algorithmic logic; formally, this tension manifests itself in both computer-generated and hand-drawn images. In van Kerckhoven’s work, the interior has for many years been a place she has loaded with references, above all to philosophical constructs whose representatives get together and hold discursive seances in her exhibitions. For an artist who views the world from a feminist perspective, the interior almost inevitably presents itself as a space for reflection – it is, after all, the traditionally accepted ‘woman’s place’ and it also symbolizes the restricted nature of women’s sphere of action.

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Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Anne-Mie Kerckhoven – Oh, the Sick Lady / Ah, the Sick Lady
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Anne-Mie Kerckhoven – Oh, the Sick Lady / Ah, the Sick Lady
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Anne-Mie Kerckhoven – Oh, the Sick Lady / Ah, the Sick Lady
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Anne-Mie Kerckhoven – Oh, the Sick Lady / Ah, the Sick Lady
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Anne-Mie Kerckhoven – Oh, the Sick Lady / Ah, the Sick Lady