Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Antonio Paucar – No Linear Fucking Time, Bak, Utrecht, 2021

Antonio PaucarNo Linear Fucking Time03.12.2021 - 20.05.2022

Antonio Paucar, *1973 in Huancayo, Peru,
lives and works in Berlin and Peru

Photo © Tom Janssen



No Linear Fucking Time* is an exhibition with gatherings, an online publication, and a symposium that unsettle dominant temporalities and model alternate forms of livable time.

Convened by BAK’s curator of public practice Rachael Rakes with artist-interlocutors Femke Herregraven, Jumana Manna, and Claudia Martínez Garay, as well as writer Amelia Groom, the project calls upon a wide range of practitioners who examine and embody alternate scales, rhythms, and conceptions of temporal experience in order to explore how looking and working beyond linear, progressive, and globally-synchronized time can contribute to a more plurally-determined and sustainable existence. The project explores concepts such as “deep time,” “seed time,” “ancestral time,” “cyclical time,” “local time,” “crip time,” “queer time,” and “non-human time” in order to imagine escapes from the programmatic movement of capitalist modernity toward ostensibly inevitable catastrophe.

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Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Antonio Paucar – No Linear Fucking Time, Bak, Utrecht, 2021
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Antonio Paucar – No Linear Fucking Time, Bak, Utrecht, 2021
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Antonio Paucar – No Linear Fucking Time, Bak, Utrecht, 2021