Diango HernándezComo viver junto - How to live together07.10. - 17.12.2006
Bienal de São Paulo
Diango Hernández, *1970 in Sancti Spíritus, Cuba,
works and lives in Düsseldorf, Germany and Havana, Cuba
Chief curator: Lisette Lagnado
Co-curators: Cristina Freire, Rosa Martínez, Adriano Pedrosa, José Roca
Guest curator: Jochen Volz
President of the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo:
Manoel Francisco Pires da Costa
Photos © Wolfgang Träger
Courtesy Galerie Michael Wiesehöfer, Cologne
Diango Hernández exhibited nine painted objects on a 4.5 x 13.5 meter floor drawing in Oscar Niemeyers’ exhibition building at the 27th São Paulo Biennal. The objects quote architectural elements of the modernist Avenida Paulista in São Paulo. The installation has one shaded and one sunny side. The visitors are invited to step on it, to sit and to observe. Out of security reasons the organizers of the Biennal prohibited the public access and use of the artwork.
The 27th Bienal de São Paulo proposes an innovative approach within the tradition of the Fundação Bienal, doing away with the so-called national representations. The title is borrowed from Roland Barthess seminars at the Collège de France (197677). The exhibition proposes a reflection on how shared and common spaces are constructed, questioning controversial issues such as difference, coexistence, rhythms of production and collaborative practices in an attempt to reach an ethical sense of living-together.
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