Jo BaerThe Absent Museum - Blueprint for a museum of contemporary art for the capital of Europe24.04. - 13.08.2017
WIELS, Forest, Belgium
Jo Baer, *1929 in Seattle, Washington, USA, †2025 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, lived and worked in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Curated by Director Dirk Snauwaert
Exhibition architecture by Richard Venlet, assisted by Carlo Siegfried
Photos © Kristien Daem
The Absent Museum explores what a museum’s role today could be. Despite the fact that museums—especially those devoted to contemporary art—have never been so popular, they remain notably absent from public debate on most key current issues. In Brussels, as in many metropolitan areas, discussions around the creation of a new museum focus on a building or a collection, but avoid the fundamental question: what is to be done? What content or knowledge should a museum transmit? Which representations will be present, which issues remain absent?