Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Mariele Neudecker

\Mariele Neudecker15.03. - 19.04.2008

Photos: Lepkowski

The meaning of nature and landscape has changed – and their reception and visual representation have been influenced accordingly. As aesthetic subjects they are in a constant state of flux; to the same degree they, in turn, determine our perception.

For this exhibition, Mariele Neudecker consistently pursues the endeavour to take landscape to the breaking point, especially in view of Romantic symbolism. Whereas in the past her work has revolved around atmospherically condensed mountain, lake and forest landscapes in glass display cases, now – under the title Faintly Falling Upon All the Living and the Dead, the artist ‘transplants’ life-size casts of trees into the gallery. The fibreglass sculptures are faithful reproductions of nature, lopped at a height of four metres and robbed of both their crowns and their needles. Especially against the background of the second gallery installation Kindertotenlieder, layers of association form: the tree as a symbol of life. It is not without reason that a tree is customarily planted on the occasion of a child’s birth. Its leafless counterpart, however, can be understood as a visual manifestation of mortal fear.

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Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Mariele Neudecker
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Mariele Neudecker