Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Mariele Neudecker – Much Was Decided Before You Were Born

\Mariele NeudeckerMuch Was Decided Before You Were Born05.06. - 31.07.2004

Mariele Neudecke, *1965 in Düsseldorf, Germany, attended Goldsmiths’ College and Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, lives and works in Bristol, UK

Mariele Neudecker’s profound works blend the theoretical foundations of perception with an unconventional reception of art history – submitting those historic works or epochs to an idiosyncratic interpretation that were themselves dedicated to the phenomenon of perception by describing meteorological, psychological and atmospheric conditions.

Neudecker’s approach is particularly apparent in her so-called ‘tank-works’: three-dimensional landscapes en miniature, often based on Romantic paintings, sunk in containers filled with liquid. This medium is veiling and yet at the same time unveiling: a cloudy or tinted solution that extrapolates the pictorial illusion of the original work while diffusing it in saltwater and dye.

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Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Mariele Neudecker – Much Was Decided Before You Were Born