Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Martin Damman – Neue Malerei

\Martin DammanNeue Malerei01.05. - 06.06.2009

Martin Dammann, *1965 in Friedrichshafen/Bodensee,
lives and works in Berlin

Galerie Barbara Thumm is pleased to announce the forth solo show by Martin Dammann. On the occasion of the Gallery Weekend Berlin, Dammann will exhibit at both gallery venues. For the first time, the complete series “Soldier Studies” will be shown at the Dircksentrasse gallery, in juxta position with new water-colours and drawings presented at our space in Markgrafenstrasse.

This partition of exhibition spaces highlights a fundamental theme in Dammann‘s work: the relationship of painting to photography, what they represent; what must be and what can‘t be painted.

All shown works are based on photographs that were mainly found in soldiers’ photo albums. The watercolours and drawings however don’t constitute a series; they are individual, independent pieces, to be apprehended separately. Each work is autonomous and arises from the development of its own particular logic.

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Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Martin Damman – Neue Malerei
Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Martin Damman – Neue Malerei