Mukenge/SchellhammerGestisch leben
Multifunktionale Malereien / Bewegte Skulptur10.02.2023
Goldenen Saal, Brecht's Raum
Mukenge/Schellhammer consists of Christ Mukenge (*1988 in Kinshasa, Kongo) and Lydia Schellhammer (*1992 in Konstanz, Germany). Since its formation in 2016, the duo lives and works between Germany and Kinshasa.
The duo Mukenge/Schellhammer lives and works between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Europe and thus regularly exposes themselves to confrontational situations between social systems, cultural and economic spaces. Bertolt Brecht has also lived „changing countries more often than shoes“.
This has influenced his artistic work: it is based on the experiences of an existence between exile, transit, the foreign and a concept of home that has become foreign. From this position, he develops a gestural practice that constantly adapts to foreign times and spaces. The project „Gestisch leben“ explores the mobile form of life, hybrid identity and the transcultural play between the foreign and the own.
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