Mukenge/SchellhammerJagdfieber13.05. - 14.05.2023
Mukenge/Schellhammer consists of Christ Mukenge (*1988 in Kinshasa, Kongo) and Lydia Schellhammer (*1992 in Konstanz, Germany).
The duo lives and works between Kinshasa and Brandenburg.
A multimedia performance by Mukenge/Schellhammer with Prisca Tankwey
Photo: Beni Brow
„Since the white man came by sea, river, or ocean, there were rumors that he was a sea creature who, after years of loneliness and physical decay, had decided to emerge from the water to seek a better life on earth.“ (Fiston Mwanza Mujila in „Dance of the Devils“)
The project „Jagdfieber“ (Hunting Fever) is a visual journey between cultural spaces, between past, present, and future. On the way, images pass by, snippets of conversations, acquaintances and impressions form a fictional collage of reality. Leopard men undermine the Belgian colonial system through targeted murders, the leopard print today as branded clothing a continuation of the symbolic representation of power in Kinshasa and at the same time as the largest case of cultural appropriation in Germany.
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