Mukenge/SchellhammerPlural Perspectives10.06. - 25.08.2023
soft power
Christ Mukenge, *1988 in Kinshasa, Congo and Lydia Schellhammer, *1992 in Konstanz, Germany.
The duo lives and works between Kinshasa, Congo and Brandenburg, Germany.
Photos: Eike Walkenhorst
The exhibition project Plural Perspectives aims at exploring contemporary dynamics
and to show a diversity of perspectives on buildings and places that carry in themselves a symbolic meaning for the city of Berlin.
Curated by Dereck Marouço Sant „Anna da Silva, the project combines public space with artistic practices that initiate new dialogues with monuments, buildings or institutions in order to reflect and interrogate (historical) narratives carried by the state and capital.
Five artistic positions were invited to create new works in relation to five places in the city: Alice Creischer (Mall of Berlin), Aykan Safoğlu (Siegessäule), Edgar Calel (Sarottifabrik), Jota Mombaça (Haus der Berliner Konferenz) and Mukenge/Schellhammer (Humboldt Forum). Between June 10 and 25, the resulting works will be presented in a group exhibition at soft power – itself located at one of these venues, the former Sarotti factory in Tempelhof. At the same time, the works are present on posters on the street in the immediate vicinity of each location and are geographically located on an interactive website. The critical relationship established between the artistic positions, the exhibition site, and the urban space aims to decentralize the art experience and insert other narratives into the social-urban fabric.
Plural Perspectives with artistic positions by Alice Creischer, Aykan Safoğlu, Edgar Calel, Jota Mombaça and Mukenge/Schellhammer curatorial project by Dereck Marouço Sant’Anna da Silva.
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