Mukenge/Schellhammer feat. Harmonie Eley, Maitre Claude, Pasquet alias ChocoYour exoticism is my daily bread2020
Documenta fifteen, Kasse, Boda Boda Lounge, Kunsttage Basel, Guggenheim Museum, New York, Laboratoire Kontempo
Christ Mukenge, *1988 in Kinshasa, Congo and Lydia Schellhammer, *1992 in Konstanz, Germany.
The duo lives and works between Kinshasa, Congo and Brandenburg, Germany.
The word „exotic“ refers to that which is foreign or external to the subject and therefore touches on the image of the Other, the notion, stereotypes and norms of representation.
Many thinkers have reflected on images of the Other, stereotypes and norms that are a form of denial of reality. The construction of the Other reflects a hierarchical position: far from understanding the Other, the construction of the Other serves to construct oneself and justify one’s own ideas about the world. Mukenge/Schellhammer work on the layers of real and imaginary imagery that shape our (un)consciousness. They develop artistic strategies that subvert and deconstruct dynamics of power and hierarchies of representation and imagination resulting from the Western imaginary construct of an elsewhere.
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