Rebecca Horn
Antonio PaucarTime goes By10.09. - 11.10.2020
ifa Gallery Berlin
Antonio Paucar, *1973 in Huancayo, Peru,
lives and works in Berlin and Peru
Rebecca Horn, *1944 in Michelstadt,
lives and works in Paris and Berlin
Photo © Victoria Tomaschko
The world is out of kilter. What form might an international artistic and cultural exchange take on during a global pandemic?
The ifa-Galerie Berlin takes advantage of this moment of immobility to place works from the ifa collection in a contemporary context. In the current climate, the unsettling yet touching works of Rebecca Horn take on a new significance. Her films, performances and sculptures open up a space between the poles of life and death, past and future, interior and exterior, human and machine. Horn not only influenced a subsequent generation of artists; she actively sought a dialogue with them.
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