Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Roméo Mivekannin – La Déconniatrie

Group showLa Déconniatrie14.10.2021 - 06.03.2022
Les Abattoirs, Toulouse

Roméo Mivekannin, *1986 in Bouaké, Ivory Coast, lives and works between Toulouse, France and Cotonou, Benin

Photos: © Damien Aspe / les Abattoirs, Musée-Frac Occitanie Toulouse

This exhibition reveals a little-known story that was a landmark in twentieth-century psychiatry. It led to the collective transformation of psychiatric institutions and also influenced the course of modern art history by fostering the emergence of art brut.

‘La Déconniatrie’ follows the life and work of Dr François Tosquelles (1912-1994), who, like 500,000 Spanish refugees, fled Franco’s victory in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). After several months in the Septfonds camp, the psychiatrist moved to Saint-Alban-sur-Limagnole in Lozère during the Occupation. In the hospital where he worked, with the idea of caring for the patients as well as the institution, he developed new care practices based on humanisation, collective work and artistic activity by the residents, whose creations circulated locally before being collected by Jean Dubuffet under the name of art brut.

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Galerie Barbara Thumm \ Roméo Mivekannin – La Déconniatrie